Let’s celebrate 15 years of Uprising together!
Our roaring lion Golian is waking up from his hibernation and has several good news for you straight from the festival headquarters.
First important information is that Uprising can be organised in its FULL CAPACITY, without restrictions and at its original location at Zlate piesky lake in Bratislava.
Next week (tuesday 19.4.) we will announce the first big load of artists, that will celebrate our 15th anniversary with us. We will add many new international and local names, but also most of the previously announced artists will still be part of the lineup. We believe we will make you happy with these announcements!
All tickets purchased for Uprising 2020 and 2021 are valid for this years Uprising Festival 2022. There is a brand new printed collection of festival tickets available and also limited amount of our special VIP tickets! Find them on uprising.sk.