Tickets refund
TICKETS INFO 2020 >> 2021
As we have announced recently, due to the given situation and statement of the Slovak government, Uprising 2020 is being postponed to the 27th and 28th of August 2021.
Despite this, we continue with all the hard work and preparations of the next Uprising festival. The good new is, that the managements of the already confirmed artists have been very positive about the possibility to rebook for the new date, therefore, we strongly believe that we will manage to keep the original line up as planned before. We are working on some fresh new names too!
So, if you haven’t got your tickets yet, we continue with the presale at actual price 45 euros per ticket.
Already purchased tickets will be valid for Uprising 2021, therefore, there is no need to worry. Considering factors as ticketing company commissions, 20% value tax, and banking charges for every sold ticket… to keep your tickets is the very best way to support the festival. So actually by doing nothing you can help a lot!
However, in case you prefer to return your tickets despite this, you can do this until 31st of July 2020. Since August, all already purchased tickets will be transferred to the next year automatically, without possibility of refundation. The government issued the term of refund payment for 13 months, although we will do our best to comply with your request as soon as possible. You can find out more about this process here >>
If you bought your tickets through the ticketing company Ticketportal, please contact them with your appeal directly.
Thank you very much for your understanding and support.
We cannot wait to see you all on 27th & 28th of August 2021!